Our Transgender Voice Therapists are Clinical Specialists in Voice Feminisation. They have over 15 years' experience specialising in Transgender Voice, working privately and within the NHS. They are active members of the National Trans Voice and Communication Clinical Excellence Network. ​

To arrange a free consultation, contact our Speech Therapy team now by clicking the contact us button.

Can Trans* change their voice? 

Yes. For Trans men, hormone (testosterone) therapy results in masculinisation of the voice by thickening the vocal folds to lower the pitch of the voice.  

For Trans women, hormones do not feminise the voice. Trans women are treated by our Clinical Specialist Speech Therapists who are trained in Voice Feminisation.  

What is transgender voice therapy?

Male to female voice training (mtf voice training) aims to find your ‘authentic’ voice to match your personality and identity. This will include working on:

  • Pitch (how high or low your voice sounds)

  • Resonance (the quality of the sound of your voice)

  • Intonation (the rhythm of your speech)

  • Rate (how fast or slow you speak)

  • Volume (how loud you speak)

We have specialist experience in the assessment and development of communication skills in transsexual, transgender and gender-nonconforming clients.

By changing your voice on your own, you could lose your voice or sound hoarse. Online speech therapy will help you prevent vocal misuse and stop behaviours that may damage your voice. You can read more about this my clicking here

Can I have Voice Feminisation treatment with the NHS? 

You can ask your GP to refer you for NHS Therapy. There are still relatively few Speech Therapists in the UK trained in Voice Feminisation, so your local service may be unable to offer treatment. We often treat clients when waiting lists are long or when there is no specialist service locally. You do not need to be referred by a GP but can contact us directly.  

To arrange a free consultation, contact our Speech Therapy team by clicking the contact us button.

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